Land Managers & Farmers

Make the most of natural capital, nature repair and environmental markets

Introduction to Natural Capital & Environmental Market Course

The Introduction to Natural Capital & Environmental Markets Course is a practical, online course where you can develop the capability to identify, market and benefit from the natural capital, ecosystem services and environmental services you generate and provide to society. It provides clear, practical, easy-to-use information about what is involved, what is good to know beforehand and how you can get started. The course is an interactive learning program that includes case studies, videos, examples, articles, activities, and group discussions. The course is the first learning program of its kind in Australia and has been specifically designed and developed for Australian farmers, land managers and natural resource managers.

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Environmental Markets Leadership Program

Land managers and farmers play an important role producing high-quality products and services. They also play an important role protecting, restoring and enhancing natural capital and the wider environment – we call these activities environmental services. These activities increase can increase productivity, resilience, sustainability and profitability whilst also providing a range of benefits and value to society. Many land managers are now in a good position to lead and drive the development of environmental markets. To realise this opportunity land managers and farmers should be:

  • Supported to build knowledge, skills and confidence to identify, market and benefit from sustainable land management and environmental services

  • Supported to evolve their operations and business to maintain and enhance natural capital and ecosystem services while continuing to provide high-quality products and services

  • Recognised for the important contribution they make to protecting, restoring and enhancing the natural capital assets and ecosystem services that support life for all

  • Financially incentivised and rewarded for these activities

  • Playing a leading role in natural capital and environmental markets by influencing and participating in existing markets and driving the development of new market opportunities

That’s where the Environmental Markets Leadership Network comes in…

Who is the program for? What are the benefits?

Land managers and farmers who want to…

  • Learn how to identify the natural capital assets, ecosystem services and environmental services you generate and identify ways to create income and other benefits from these assets and services

  • Break down and simplify the world of environmental markets (it’s not just about carbon!)

  • Feel more confident to participate in, create and influence environmental markets

  • Connect, share learnings and build a network of support with peers from your region

  • Evolve your business to maintain and enhance natural capital and ecosystem services while continuing to provide high-quality products and services

  • Future-proof your land and farm productivity, resilience, sustainability and profitability

What’s included?

1.      Environmental Markets Leadership Network

Be part of a supportive peer network of peers from your region – share resources, knowledge, experience, challenges and successes through online social networking and facilitated network meet-ups every three months.

2.      Learning and Development Program

Complete a practical, hands-on learning and development program where you will develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to identify, market and benefit from the environmental services you provide to society. The program provides simple information on what’s involved, what’s good to know before hand and how you can get started.

3.      Environmental Markets Plan

Develop an environmental markets plan for your property and/or farm: identify natural capital, ecosystem services and environmental services on your property, identify and assess market opportunities and plan a path forward. Share and learn from peers creating their own plan alongside you.

4.      Market Meet-Ups & Workshops

Meet market stakeholders and understand what role they play, such as buyers, funders, assessors, certifiers, government agencies. Work with these stakeholders to explore existing, future and/or innovative markets opportunities and influence policy and regulation to be more supportive, certain and predictable.

5.      Ongoing support from relevant government agencies

Extension agencies from your region will be available to provide advice and information throughout the program.

How you can get involved

If you would like to participate in the Environmental Markets Leadership Program, please complete the EMLP Expression Of Interest Form or to find out what is happening in your area, contact the NCEMI Team via email: